Override the scaling mode set by games csgo. The only different option here is Custom Scaling.
Override the scaling mode set by games csgo I tick the box, I have all the settings right - And when I apply it, the NVIDIA Control panel simply refreshes, and the settings unticked. Launch Valorant, go to Settings and select Video; Select the resolution you want to use; Many die-hard CS: GO players swear the 4:3 aspect ratio or stretched resolution gives you an important advantage. 1. Otherwise, the GPU Scaling option will not be available: A digital connection must be used. This setting asks the user to set a scaling mode: Aspect Ratio, Full-screen or No Scaling. The only different option here is Custom Scaling. I didn't hear that he usually prefers GPU scaling :-D. What's the best scaling mode to use on a 1440p 27' monitor with a 4070ti? Looking for the best quality in these modes (if there's any difference between them nowadays). If you're attempting to stretch the screen using Nvidia Control Panel Full-Screen scaling and it's not working, click the little context box that's marked as "Override the scaling mode set by games and programs. Override the scaling mode set by games and programs = SELECTED. Monitor Settings must be set to Fullscreen. Anyway, in the NVidia Control Panel under "Adjust desktop size and position", I've ticked "Override the scaling mode set by games and programs", scaling mode fullscreen, and set my resolution/refresh rate to 1920x1080 96Hz. Display Scaling. Can boost up your fps on slow pc and decrease input lag. You will find some settings that you want to adjust here. Top 1% Rank by size . First, check the Override scaling mode set by the games and programs box. If you want black bars, set it to Aspect Ratio. r/GlobalOffensive is the home for the Counter-Strike community and a hub for the discussion and sharing of content relevant to Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO), and Counter-Strike 2 (CS2). And finally, make sure to check the box labeled 'Override the scaling mode set by games and programs' located How to set up your in-game resolution without affecting your desktop resolution. While enabling ingame scaling there are significant stutters so its better to leave this for the GPU. ” Apply Changes: Click “Apply” to save your settings. Global Offensive (CS:GO), and Counter-Strike 2 (CS2). choosing only "Full-Screen Scaling" then "Display" both override modes ticked and unticked doesnt stretch the game - only makes the game run in some "inner square" . Finally, keep in mind that the Nvidia setting will not only affect Warframe, but any other game or software that isn't Now change the resolution (is has to be one that CS:GO is supporting): "setting. Most of the pros have been playing With fullscreen borderless the scaling is done by the game engine. It is unchecked. There's LOTS of ways to try and smooth your game: Set CSGO's affinity in task manager to not use CPU 0 - Use a program called process lasso to make it do it automatically - CPU 0 is designated to background processes, meaning they shouldn't interfere with ur csgo or something, idk i'm a college dropout. Hopefully you guys can help me out. Check the scaling options in the Nvidia control panel, and click "Override scaling modes set by games" or something. (CS:GO), and Counter-Strike 2 (CS2). under adjust desktop size and position make sure the scaling option is set to full screen and that you have "override the scaling mode set by games and programs" this will force CS to open at 1280x960 stretched to full screen Global Offensive (CS:GO), and Counter-Strike 2 (CS2). In the steps below, we’ll set CPU Priority High for CS:GO Through Launch Options. If I recall AMD started using a fixed function hardware for scaling (like VSR) a while ago (like early GCN, 290X and such cards) while nVidia is probably still using generic shaders for DSR (that's why you can set a custom sharpness value for DSR), however, they claimed the new 4x4 method is Turing-only (RTX2xxx and GTX16xx cards) because it's done by a hardware Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO) được biết là một trong những game cần dung lượng máy cao khi tải về. I wasnt able to switch to GPU scaling, but when I clicked function "override the scaling mode set by games and programs" this function fixed the problem and game had right resolution and it was with black bars. To enable GPU Scaling within Radeon Settings, the following conditions must be met. Perform scaling on: GPU and check the box on When you override the scaling mode set by games, you are essentially telling your graphics card to adjust the game’s resolution to match the native resolution of your display. I tick the box, I have all the For NVIDIA, go to 'Adjust desktop size and position', select 'Full-screen' under the scaling tab, and make sure 'Override the scaling mode set by games and programs' is If you're attempting to stretch the screen using Nvidia Control Panel Full-Screen scaling and it's not working, click the little context box that's marked as "Override the scaling mode set by games and programs. " and it should work :). 4- Now you have to delete all the old config files, auto excess files, and video settings files from the game before doing this you have to note down your mouse sensitivity, Gamers use display scaling when playing games at a lower resolution than the monitor’s default resolution. Create a profile for CS and set 'Power management mode' to 'prefer maximum performance'. This added workload can cause a slight drop in FPS. On affected monitors, select full screen scaling mode if you play full screen stretched res, otherwise aspect ratio is fine 5. If you're playing in native resolution, then it doesn't matter because you're not "scaling"; Set it to GPU scaling unless you trust the scaling in your display implicitly (unlikely). How to use bots in Offline and r/GlobalOffensive is the home for the Counter-Strike community and a hub for the discussion and sharing of content relevant to Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO), and Counter-Strike 2 (CS2). ** Members Online. Then, set the scaling mode to Full Screen and then Apply. does the dpi scaling method under the game im running,in the compatibility tab, matter for input lag Biết cách setting CSGO cho máy yếu sẽ giúp cho những anh em đam mệ bộ môn bắn súng này có thể trải nghiệm game một cách trơn tru hơn khi mà điều kiện về cấu hình máy không quá cao. I'm not sure if they'll have an effect. g. Enabling GPU Scaling and Selecting the Desired Scaling Mode. e. It appears to have defaulted to Aspect Ratio but I don't know if that's how it "should" be set because I have scaling set in Windows. If you want the best quality, then play at your In Nvidia control panel, at Display- Adjust desktop size and position, at Scaling, select full screen Perform scaling on: GPU, and check the box of override the scaling mode set by games and programs. " override the scaling mode set by games and programs: true i hope this helps! Reply reply (CS:GO), and Counter-Strike 2 (CS2). After that you can change your desktop resolution in the control Compared to something like Counter-Strike 2, configuring a stretched resolution in Fortnite is a bit more involved. Best. Step 5: Apply your changes Note that the option to "Override the scaling mode set by games and programs" does not appear to affect the game. Under the Scaling tab, select Full-screen and ensure that the ‘Override the scaling mode set by games and programs’ checkbox is ticked. I have Change the scaling mode to Full-screen and perform scaling on GPU. Sau đó bấm Change resolution ở cột Display bên tay trái, chọn Customize, chọn Create Custom Resolution. - For any card not listed here, try to look for a setting which changes desktop resolution parameters, sometimes this options appears as 'full screen scaling mode', "Screen Scaling" or Assuming you're on Nvidia, head to Nvidia Control Panel, then Adjust desktop size and position. Note: Overriding will force the GPU to use your chosen scaling mode even if a program or game tries to use a different one. If you want to always use this scaling mode, check the box next to Override the scaling mode set by games and programs. r/xbox **Topics related to all versions of the Xbox video game consoles, games, online services, controllers, etc. They have their own good reasons why they choose the 4:3 stretched aspect ratio over 16:9, and vice versa. Then I checked another video, and while the process was the same, this guy checked the "Override the scaling mode set by games and programs", there isn't much info about this on google, and I'm probably just being paranoid if I should tick or not tick it. You can also try messing around with the ingame "native" and "scaled" options. Archived post. "Override the scaling mode set by games and programs" must be checked! 2. I always enable GPU scaling for my Dell P2414h, because it doesn't support per-pixel for unnative resolutions, and always stretches out 4:3/5:4/16:10 ratios to 16:9 on the fly. CS2: How to turn on black bars & stretched for AMD users. AMD. Override Game Settings (Optional): If you want to force GPU scaling even when games have their own scaling settings, check the box next to “Override the scaling mode set by games and programs. I have this issue that came out of nowhere, where the setting "Override the scaling mode set by games and programs" in the position & scaling settings wont save. Changing the aspect ratio and resolution can be a crucial factor in a player’s performance. Select "Full-screen" and "Override the scaling mode set by games and programs" German Gehe in deinen Nvidia Systemeinstellung auf: "Anzeige" -> "Desktop-Größe und Position anpassen" Wähle "Vollbild" und "Von Spielen und Programmen festgelegte Skalierungsmodus außer Kraft setzen" an. Nvidia Scaling Options must be set to Fullscreen. Now, click and open the drop-down menu labeled as “Perform scaling on” and select “GPU”. Members Online. Under the “Display” section, select “Adjust desktop size and position”. I tick the box, I have all the settings right - And When you override the scaling mode set by games, your GPU has to process additional tasks, like rendering the game at a lower resolution and then upscaling it to fit your monitor. + Bước 4: Cuối cùng, nhấp vào “Apply” để lưu và cập nhật các thiết lập CSGO mượt mà hơn. CS:GO Launch Options: -full -w 1440 -h 1080 5. . Most modern games' "fullscreen" will mean fullscreen borderless in which case the Nvidia scaling settings have no effect. Step 9: Then, set your scaling mode to “Full panel. Now change the radio button to "Full-Screen". Navigate to the Compatibility tab and you need to ensure that full-screen optimization is disabled then click on change high Dpi and make sure that override high Dpi scaling is selected. Note: You may want to tick up the Posted by MarZ_1337: “Can't change scaling mode” Tried everything here. ; Under the Display section, click on Adjust desktop size and position. Then select size, check the box of Enable desktop resizing reduce width only. This mode allows you to play the game in a borderless window that should maintain the aspect ratio and resolution of your desktop, preventing the resizing issue when tabbing out. Counter-Strike enjoys a thriving esports scene and dedicated competitive playerbase, as well as a robust creative community. According to a friend, many professionals will run the game at a lower resolution than their monitors, and even run the game at a different aspect ratio and then stretch it to the screen because it gives a competitive advantage due to things with human vision. This adjustment forces all games, including CS:GO, to scale to Here is some advice from ThourCS on Twitter, with some helpful threads layered beneath the original tweet for some troubleshooting that the community has been doing in terms of performance with respect to both In Closing:. New. When you're there, under Scaling Mode, select Aspect Ratio or Integer Scaling. It was designed to facilitate gamers with high fps and consistent performance. For example: scaling may be needed when trying to display a 1920 x 1080 resolution to take up the entire screen of a 4K monitor/TV to get the feeling of 4K content. From here, select your preferred type of GPU scaling, And make sure to mark the checkbox saying “Override the scaling mode set by games and programs”. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. If you want black bars set it to Aspect Ratio. Driver version But this humanbenchmark test showed me, that I perform worse with GPU scalling when I set the windows resolution to 1280x720 and let the GPU scale to the display's native resolution. Here, under Display Options, enable GPU scaling and set your Scaling Mode. A place for everything NVIDIA, come talk about news, drivers, rumors, GPUs, the industry, show-off your build and more. Games will still select the native resolution for rendering, but show my main monitor as a 4k panel Lost Ark, also known as LOA, is a 2019 MMO action role-playing game co-developed by Tripod Studio and Smilegate. ”. Also, Playing at a high frame Maintain Display Scaling: This is the default scaling option. Should I have "Override the scaling mode set by Đối với card NVIDIA: mở NVIDIA Control Panel, chọn Adjust desktop size and position, đánh dấu vào ô Override the scaling mode set by games and programs ở mục 2. I've tried "Override the scaling mode set by games and programs" both on and off, but when i click apply it just reverts back to selecting "Aspect ratio" as scaling. I don't plan to use any actual scaling mode, I Then you want to Right Click on CSGO. Also set Windows powerplan to high performance. chandler Posts: 130 ↳ Game Consoles — XBOX and PlayStation — ONE / Series S / Series X / PS5; Go to NVidia control panel -> adjust desktop size and position -> tick aspect ratio -> select preform scaling on gpu -> tick override the scaling mode set by games and programs -> set resolution to 1920x1080 -> refresh rate to whatever your monitor is. samzor Step 8: Once you create the profile, go back to the display menu and enable “GPU scaling. Then, when I change my windows resolution and in-game, it now goes to 1080p 96hz! Tick the box Override the scaling mode set by games and programs; Select a stretched resolution from the drop-down menu; Apply the settings. I don't like constantly switching between fullscreen and integer scaling after going from CS to something like GTA Vice City, as I love playing older games in their original 4:3 aspect ratio but play FPS games in stretched resolutions. Select "No scaling" and then check the box "Override the scaling mode set by games and programs" For the first time EVER I can enjoy the game holy shit wtf Specs: Windows 10 -18362 GTX 1070 I7 7700HQ Nvidia Drivers - 440. As i'm veteran CS 1. Do đó tình trạng CSGO bị giật, lag sẽ thường xuyên xuất hiện trên những máy yếu. exe" Navigate to Compatibility -> check the "override high DPI scaling behavior" box, and hit "OK". not too suitable for benchmarking lower-than-native resolution performance in games and benchmarks - Display Scaling preferable here f. Apply the settings, and you’re, finally, good to go! #3- How To Enable GPU Scaling On Intel In case you didn’t know, the majority of professional CS:GO players prefer a 4:3 stretched configuration on their monitors. Team Spirit CS YT - NEW MODEL: DONK the best is to have Gpu scaling disabled and Windows scaling set to 100% this dose depends on the size of your screen if you have to have this on and if your monitor or TV supports direct mode which the scaling is handled by the With gpu scaling I find the games run smoother with no stuttering. It is entirely optional, though it may Experience the unique combination of a top-down shooter with a fast-paced fighting game. Is there a program or some kind of option to change the scaling mode based on what I'm running? Similar to vibranceGUI. Idk about input lag tho Reply reply Nvidia releases big driver update with ultra-low latency mode, integer scaling, and more theverge. , Aspect ratio, Full-screen). 5. defaultres" "1280" // this is the width "setting. The next step is to select Adjust desktop size and position on the left side under the Display categories. Display scaling does the same but with more 4ms variance. Under Scaling, choose Full many guides on the internet say to enable this via compatibility tab of CSGO together with ticking the "disable fullscreen optimizations" can anyone here confirm that this override dpi scalling setting enabled and set on "Application" helps in anyway? Top. 6. Hopefully, the blog about Override the Scaling Mode Set by Games is helpful for any game lover; GPU scaling is a great way to keep your video look consistent across different monitors with different aspect ratios, but it’s important to be aware of the potential consequences stretching can have on image quality. Fix for this is to just move the slider to the left and back to the right, Nvidia drivers currently have a bug where gamma doesn't For NVIDIA users, you can just right-click on your desktop and select the NVIDIA Control Panel. Adjust Desktop Size and position -> No scaling -> Perform scaling on GPU -> and check the "Override the scaling mode set by games and programs" box. ("Application" from drop-down menu) Restart your game if necessary. Reply reply More replies More replies. . This Subreddit is community run and does not represent NVIDIA in any capacity unless specified. How can I switch it to the aspect ratio? I tried CS2 on laptop with Nvidia graphics card. Open your nVidia Control Panel and go to "Display --> Adjust desktop size and position". Playing at the lower Rez stretched the image on full screen mode This was a fix for that. defaultresheight" "960" // this is the height (d'uh) "Override the scaling mode set by games and programs" That should be it :) Have fun playing CS:GO stretched! (From Reddit) If you’re having blurry images or text trouble, adjust the Override The Scaling Mode Set By Games And Programs option to On > Apply. Then in the 'Change 'Resolution' menu set everything up the way you want (ie RGB, Full, 10bpc, 32bit) and create whatever custom resolutions you want. CS2 is a game that’s exclusive to PC, so the devs don’t need to worry about consoles at all. For AMD graphics card users, the process is slightly different. It allows you to set a custom scaling If the game is not stretched anymore after applying the 1440x1080 resolution, go through these steps: 1. That should fix it. Launch AMD Software: Posted by Inspeirk: “Override the scaling mode set by games and program wont save!” Choose Scaling Mode: Choose your preferred scaling mode (e. For removing the black bars or stretching your resolution, select ‘Full-screen’ instead of the ‘Aspect ratio’ scaling mode option. 6 player i'm used to 4:3 aspect ratio when playing CSGO, but for some reason i'm unable to sett GPU scaling to fullscreen in Nvidia settings. I'm playing Counter-Strike: Global Offensive on a daily basis, which now forces me to use blackbars on my game, because the option simply wont save. It controls how the data is displayed on the monitor. Also tick "Override the scaling mode set by games and programs" and Apply. In CS:GO the hitboxes of Đồng thời, đánh dấu vào ô “Override the scaling mode set by games and programs”. the in-game latency is ~0,80 ms while perform scaling is set on display, while it's ~0,60 ms while perform scaling is set on GPU. For AMD Catalyst Control Center. (screenshot of settings) If you want to make a resolution that isn’t supported by your monitor (such ass 1440x1080 on a 1920x1080 monitor), you will have to add a custom resolution to your monitor. ? What settings do I need to take care of for games that do not support 21:9 aspect ratio so that games don't appear stretched. Step 11: Set your monitor’s display to the same resolution that you input into the custom profile and keep the changes Posted by Inspeirk: “Override the scaling mode set by games and program wont save!” I'm playing Counter-Strike: Global Offensive on a daily basis, which now forces me to use blackbars on my game, because the option simply wont save. More posts you may like Variances show that GPU, No scaling, Override scaling set by games is the most stable. For AMD GPUs Right-click your Desktop and select AMD Software: Adrenalin C) NVCP: Use display scaling with aspect ratio and tick 'override the scaling mode set by games and programs'. Step 10: Exit Radeon and open your Window’s display settings by right-clicking on your desktop. On the First, check the Override scaling mode set by the games and programs box. 3. Set scaling mode to "Aspect ratio" Check "Override the scaling mode set by games and programs" Apply changes; For AMD users: Follow steps 1-2 from NVIDIA guide; Open AMD Adrenalin panel; Add CS2 to your games list; Set Scaling Mode to "Preserve aspect ratio" If you prefer stretched resolution, choose "Full-screen" (NVIDIA) or "Full panel" (AMD Launch Counter-Strike 2 and click on the gear icon for Check the box for “Override the scaling mode set by games and programs,’ and hit Apply. Check the box that says “Override the scaling mode set by games and programs”. Windowed Fullscreen Mode: Instead of playing CSGO in fullscreen mode, try using the Windowed Fullscreen mode (also known as Borderless Windowed or Windowed Maximized). Counter-Strike enjoys a thriving esports scene and dedicated competitive playerbase, as well Head to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\counter-strike global offensive\ Right click to properties on "csgo. Scaling done by GPU. It also helps to test different display Ensure the box is checked to override the scaling mode set by games and programs. Does intel graphics have a Override the scaling mode set by programs and games option like Nvidia? Question is the title, need to find it or something similar in order to fix my black borders problem. Launch CSGO, set the "Aspect Ratio" to 4:3 and change your in-game resolution to whatever you like but not higher than 1440x1080. fullscreen" "1" // must be set to fullscreen "setting. Apply the settings. NVIDIA offers a checkbox "Override the scaling mode set by games and programs". Reply reply More posts you may like r/xbox. Trong bài viết dưới đây, ComputechZ sẽ chia sẻ tới những thao tác mà anh em cần thực hiện để giúp tăng FPS khi quẩy CSGO nhé. If that happens, there's a checkbox in that same area called "Override the scaling mode set by games and programs". exe > Properties > Comparability, and tick Override high DPI scaling behaviour, and set the drop down box to "Application". Open comment sort options. Then back to the "Scaling" tab > "Select a scaling mode: Full-screen" > "Perform scaling on: Display", uncheck "Override the scaling mode set by games and programs". It I'm playing Counter-Strike: Global Offensive on a daily basis, which now forces me to use blackbars on my game, because the option simply wont save. Now, select a stretched resolution from the drop-down list. Try to turn it on. A digital connection is one of the following: DVI; HDMI; DisplayPort/Mini DisplayPort The display must be set Open NVIDIA Control Panel by right-clicking on your desktop and selecting it. 97 I don't know how it works or WHY it works, but fuck this shit I'm never updating the nvidia drivers Share Sort by: Best. To ensure you’re running true stretched resolution, ensure Check the scaling options in the Nvidia control panel, and click "Override scaling modes set by games" or something. Choose the monitor you’re using to play CS:GO, select “Full-screen” under the scaling mode options, and make sure the “Override the scaling mode set by games and programs” box is checked. However, the impact on FPS depends on several factors: The game’s graphical demands: Older games that run at lower Disable Full-Screen Optimization and Override High DPI Scaling Launch Options for CS:GO Delete Useless The Game Mode is a very important feature of Windows 10. Cheers. But before we do that, we should Select the option for Full Screen and check the box beside Override the scaling mode set by games and programs. I played 2 games of CS:GO yesterday and I have to say that with There's an option on nvidia control panel at Display section -> Adjust desktop size and position "Override scaling mode set by games and programs" try if this fixed your problem No dice. in nvidia control panel do i scale on gpu or display? also do i check the box at the bottom "overide the scaling mode set by apps and programs"? and does the answer change if i run at a non native (1920x1080) res? - this whole question has been driving me nuts! 4. Step 4: Change "Display" to "GPU" Under "Perform scaling on", select "GPU" from the dropdown list. ; Select the display you’ re using for Valorant. The scaling determines how much the screen content should be enlarged when measured in pixels. Custom: Allows for custom scaling to be applied so There is an interesting option here that you can consider if you run into problems with GPU scaling, called Override the Scaling Mode Set By Games and Programs. Hey there. I am unaware of the steps for AMD GPUs. -novid -tickrate 128 mat_queue_mode -2 -noforceparms Should I leave Scaling to Aspect ratio, No scaling, Override scaling mode set by Games and programs etc. so what do I use what scaling mode no scaling, aspect ratio, full screen, etc and do I have performance scaling on GPU or display and do I have the override the scaling mode set by games and programs ticked on or off??? Ensure that Full Screen is selected, and choose Perform scaling on: GPU. Note: The EDID establishes a relation between a monitor and its connected device. go to display mode and select "full" Tell me if works for you . This is the largest and most active CS sub on Reddit. Share Sort by: Check the box under GPU scaling for 'Override the scaling mode set by games and programs' for 1280x960. Counter-Strike enjoys a thriving esports scene and dedicated People seeking the highest FPS in competitive games like Counter Strike. Bun don’t know if it’s true or just a placebo. Basically, optimal settings to use an ultrawide monitor. I have 3 monitors in surround mode and when I play Company of Heroes all of a sudden all three monitors have black bars on the sides, breaking the view up from homogeneous to three images with six black bars on the sides. Leave this box unticked, but if you Open your nVidia Control Panel and go to "Adjust desktop size and position" (if you have an AMD video card, search for "GPU scaling", "Screen scaling" or something along the lines). Also what should I select: monitor or display scaling? Tick the box: "override the scaling mode set by games and programs" or not? Thanks! Share Sort by: Best. Using the GPU, full screen aspect, Override it adds a bit of 8ms variance. First, make sure you choose the monitor you want to use to play CS: On affected monitors, select full screen scaling mode if you play full screen stretched res, otherwise aspect ratio is fine. It was released in South Korea in December 2019 by Smilegate and in Europe, North America, and South America in February 2022 by Amazon Games. Đây là một bước quan trọng trong việc cài đặt CSGO cho máy yếu. If not, then also tell it to Perform scaling on the GPU, which should fix it. Perform scaling on: GPU and check the box on override the scaling mode set by games and programs Relaunch CS2 < > Under "Select a scaling mode", select "Aspect ratio" if it is not already selected. Vậy làm thế nào để giảm lag CSGO cho máy yếu? " => Tại mục "Scaling", chọn "Full-screen" => Chọn "GPU" ở "Perform scaling on" => Đánh dấu vào ô "Override the As for the part about reinstalling the GPU driver because of the “corruption” what I saw in own testing is that enabling NIS/ GPU scaling checks the box to “override the scaling mode set by games and applications” (under scaling options tab of control panel). Change gpu scaling to display and check the box of override. For the ‘Select a scaling mode’ option choose ‘Aspect Ratio’ Select ‘Display’ for the ‘Perform scaling on’ option; Enable ‘Override the scaling mode set by games and programs’ and click on Apply; If you want the black bars removed, select ‘Full-screen’ instead of ‘Aspect Ratio’ for the Scaling Mode option Yesterday evening i changed my scaling from GPU to display because i saw s1mple played with display scaling. 4. Top. This has provided a huge fps boost, from averaging about 150-200 with lots of stuttering and drops below 100, to now a solid 300fps, with some drops to around 250. Now it is "wide" and the button is greyed out. Launch VALORANT and head over to the Video settings. More specifically, the target appears - For AMD gpus, you should set the "Scaling Mode" option to "Full panel" - For Nvidia gpus, you will find it under the monitor display settings, "adjust desktop size and position"). clc bgzkhf ofub zyivkh pob bbwk zytzj xpeqw jiyhvqd sbd qgsu omfxwt uuhe ehlo qjsrtn