Fallout 76 unarmed weapons. Renaming weapons does not affect any weapon stats.

  • Fallout 76 unarmed weapons. Your punching attacks now do +20% damage.

    Fallout 76 unarmed weapons r/fo76. 50 . but it seems there is no way to 'favorite' a # slot for being totally unarmed. Your #1 source for Fallout 76 Members Online. When applied to a weapon, the mod increases the weapon's damage and causes targets to bleed, dealing an additional 10 true damage over 5 seconds. Deathclaw's Gauntlet - the very top tier of unarmed weapons in Fallout 76. Can The Fallout Networks subreddit for Fallout 76. Your #1 source for Fallout 76 Members Online • KingEvilCody. If you'd like I can strip down what I use to run and send it your way. ; A 5%(4% if tagged) increase can be obtained for using each punching bag on the first level of the Sierra Army Depot. Your #1 source for Fallout 76 Members Online • ducks_are_round. Weapon Form ID; Brass Knuckles: 6 1. It's intended that there Your #1 source for Fallout 76 Members Online What is the good unarmed weapon these days? I remember that having an instigating mole miner gauntlet was often better than most things because of something, but I don't know what. Gladiator affects the following weapons, as well as their unique variants: This perk serves as the one-handed counterpart to the two-handed Slugger, Expert Slugger, and Master Slugger and unarmed Iron Fist perks. What’s the best armour, weapons, mutations, buffs, food, drink, legendary perks and The Fallout Networks subreddit for Fallout 76. After the war, it became utilized as a moddable weapon. This means that you can efficiently eliminate enemies with a strong attack while sneaking. It's rather strong with the right build + mutations. It jingles whenever it is thrust. Fallout 4 . I already have hack and slash equipped. Unarmed. I use an unstoppable monster for my my unarmed weapon. ADMIN MOD Does collateral damage legendary perk work with power fist/unarmed weapons or do I have to use exploding palm? Question Or should I just use the brawling chemist perk. [Non-game 1] Although it cannot be used in conjunction with power armor, the fist is a potent close quarters combat weapon for just about any build relying on Unarmed Your #1 source for Fallout 76 Members Online • dabstix. Odd interaction with player upvotes Independent Fallout Wiki Weapon Overview Article Overview Article Fallout / Fallout 2 / Fallout Tactics / Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel / Fallout 3 / Fallout: New Vegas / Fallout 4 / Fallout 76 gameplay Gladiator is a Strength-based perk in Fallout 76. lordoftheapes79. Renaming weapons does not affect any weapon stats. Reply reply ecksfiftyone • Check out the Unarmed weapon category in Fallout 76! This guide will feature all in game Unarmed, their stats, traits, and more! GameWith uses cookies and IP addresses. Exploding Palm Effect: While unarmed, 5~20% chance of triggering an explosion on attack hits. It consists of four finger holes and a metal frame to fit into the palm of the hand. all count but I'm glad that at last I figured it out. However, the Silver submachine gun, the Survivor's Special, Ashmaker and Grognak's axe cannot be renamed, nor will they pick up any prefixes from modding. They do. Though I like to keep flexible so I am making weapons with different rolls. Drill Fist is a unique version of the gauntlet with spinning roller-cone drill bits on the end. Your melee weapons I'm trying to use the best gear I've found, but I don't really have anything great. I need your help. Take 45% less damage from your opponents' melee The Drill Fist is a unique Gauntlet in Fallout 76, introduced in the Gleaming Depths update. December 03 Update: Gleaming Depths Some of the most influential and fun builds in Fallout 76 are melee builds that take advantage of unarmed weapons. This weapon cannot be used or equipped while wearing power armor. Below you'll learn about some of the I thought this challenge was bugged but it struck me that maybe grenades counted as having a weapon equipped. Weights of all Chems (including Stimpaks) are reduced by 90%. com/channel/UCSEDsFOPSQp6VP8vfH_Zxcg/join🟢 Angry Turtle Gaming: https://www. I have the Unstoppable Monster with it's 246 damage but I Long post, bear with me. I rolled a Furious with 50% limb damage and +1 strength, but I didn't think Furious was worth anything for melee Hoping Your #1 source for Fallout 76 Members Online • The-xAGEx-6077. Also, if you destroy robots with grenades, the game will count it as if you destroyed them with the weapon you have equipped (or as unarmed, if you don't have a weapon equipped), even if you never hit them in any way with the weapon. Bloodied Legendary Fist Weapons. 21. Get app Get the Reddit app Log In Log in to Reddit. A. Grognak axe. Gauntlet/unarmed: Gauntlet, with a shock pad. Your melee and unarmed weapons ignore I thought Talons granting +25% unarmed would add to my fist weapons as in previous titles they're classed as unarmed, but it's possible that may not be the case. There are one-handed weapons like the Plasma Cutter that are viable options, but most one-handed weapons have inferior damage compared to two-handed weapons. As with other weapons only available after the main questline of Wastelanders, gauntlets cannot be Your #1 source for Fallout 76 Members Online Look no further, You already come equipped with The best unarmed weapon once you set foot outside the vault your fists! Im afraid that might be your best option if you really only want to do unarmed until you find the boxing glove or level up to be high enough level so you can start using mole miner gauntlets and such. Unstoppable Monster One can spawn in a locked shack outside Kerwood Mine. 14. build. Unarmed only has the one card with 3 ranks for punching attacks, whereas one handed and two handed both have 3 card with 3 ranks to achieve similar kinds of damage. The Sharp and Bladed modifications deal the same amount of damage due to having identical The exciting thing about Fallout 76 is the number of weapons available at your disposal and all the things that one can do with said weapons. I use a quad enclave plasma sniper pistol which levels in VATS. One of the best and well-rounded swords in the game which is available from level 15; Fat Man - maybe not the most reliable weapon in the The knuckles are a melee weapon in Fallout 76. A rusty set of brass knuckles. Share. As expected, it's very powerful, with guaranteed multiple legendary effects. For apparel, see Fallout 76 unique apparel. The "Cursed" prefix was mistakenly removed from Cursed The Face Breaker is a melee weapon in Fallout 76, introduced in the Steel Reign update. These allow players to get up and close to their enemies, soak up tons of damage, and take advantage of some of the most fun perk cards in the game. Dropped by Scorched that use melee weapons. Reply 2HappySundays Settlers - PC • Additional comment actions. I’ve always rooted for 2h melee. . lvl. 3. Even then I would rather go with a swing speed 2 handed weapon for double the damage. The Fallout Networks subreddit for Fallout 76. Your #1 source for Fallout 76 Members Online Best melee weapons by class. < > Showing 1-10 of 10 comments . Unarmed: death claw gauntlet, foundation gauntlet and power fist. 1 Fallout 3; 2 Fallout: New Vegas; 3 Fallout 4; 4 Fallout 76; Fallout 3. Your #1 source for Add Unarmed Legendary Perk of Fallout 76: Exploding Palm to Fallout 4 as Legendary Weapon/Armor Effect. The rings are slipped over a combatant's fingers with the bumper pressed into the palm of the Considering that you can't use Unarmed Weapons while in Power Armor I would say really bad. Log In / Sign Up; Advertise on The Power Fist is the best unarmed weapon in Fallout 4, both because of its high damage and interesting design. Iron Fist. This means unarmed can get blocker/barb a little easier. Barbarian. The gauntlet is made up of two (can be upgraded to three) deathclaw claws with a simple handhold and a cushioned brace to go around the wearer's wrist. That's the best. 90% reduced weight as a third star on your melees or a full set of weapon weight reducing armor are great for melees because the weight reduction card isn't 90% for them like the heavy weapons version. One-handed melee weapons now do more damage. You can possibly find a Power Fist by searching the main room of the Sunnytop Ski Learn how to create a powerful unarmed weapons build for Fallout 76, with tips on perks, So in 76 things that say 'melee' apply to 1h/2h/unarmed. This perk works well with Martial Artist, which increases The Ogua gauntlet is a unique unarmed melee weapon in Fallout 76, introduced in the Once in a Blue Moon update. For unarmed, like everyone said, before with perks and mutations. I love watching videos for the first impression but to make it easier to compare builds I need to write them down. Your punching attacks now do +20% damage. Brass knuckles take the form of four linked metal rings in a shallow convex formation with a bumper attached to the concave face. ADMIN MOD (PSA) Many 'melee' perks/mutations also affect unarmed weapons. Martial Artist. While each modification will impact performance, many cosmetically alter parts of the weapon. Succumb to Depravity Cook a Meal while meaning when i have a firearm active and in a favorite # slot, i cant switch to unarmed (meaning bare knuckle, NOT melee weapon) i already switch back and forth with a combat knife & pistol all the time. Unarmed Melee. Best . With them you are THE champ. This means that twisted muscles works for unarmed as well as 1h/2h. One of the things that I Your #1 source for Fallout 76 Members Online Tbh I don’t know the difference between unarmed weapons and one handed for swing speed exactly but I believe unarmed is slightly faster then one handed. This fight is challenging, especially at a low level; however, it's possible to defeat Swan by using lots of Keep in mind though that unless something changes within the game and this no longer applies go with that weapon but at the time of the creation of this guide that is the best weapon. Share Sort by: Best. However, talons is unarmed only. And it counts for bladed and improvised at the same time. At an unarmed skill of at least 50 Stomp and Uppercut special attacks become available. T. Your melee weapons weigh 60% less, and you can swing them 30% faster. Each type of cursed weapon also has three other specific legendary attributes. But you have to also have no grenade active or will not Mole miner gauntlet, meathook, and power fist are good, but [edit : depending on which weapon and how its modded], up to] at least 50 damage points behind my DCG. Tone Death Can be acquired from Rose's questline at Your #1 source for Fallout 76 Members Online In other words: unarmed weapons fall under the 1 handed Melee category right? Archived post. Your #1 source for Fallout 76 Members Online • lnodiv. Hello, I’m the Great Mister Imo unarmed is the perfect/best choice of a melee build to mix in with a type of weapon build too, because of the perk requirements. 2. OK Fallout 76 - Walkthrough & Guides . Is I’m on a hunt for the best unarmed build in Fo76 and for that I’m consuming all videos on YouTubes. Swing speed is big bonus. Developed in antiquity, this weapon is nevertheless quite prevalent in the post-Great War wastelands. Every point of Strength adds +4 Damage Resist (max 80). By using our site you agree to our privacy policy. And when you get to "no weapon equipped": PA with tesla bracers. ADMIN MOD Best unarmed weapon? Question I hear it's the deathclaw gauntlet, but not sure, if it is, what's the difference between it and the gold bullion gauntlet? I'm currently rocking a Bloodied, swing speed, strength gauntlet Your #1 source for Fallout 76 Members Online Higher damage bonus from Strength, the Talons mutation, and the best unarmed weapons straight up have higher base damage than the best one-handed melee weapons, despite having the same attack speeds. The most desirable of these mods are Legendary Mods. These are represented by stars (star) and their number indicates how many are attached to the weapon. Reply reply Maturin_The_Turtle • right I get i need to build Unarmed weapons are found throughout the Fallout Series. Ad. Changelog (4. Is unarmed only for the looks? Archived post. Your #1 source for Fallout 76 Then when you want to unequip your weapon and go unarmed, just tap the hotkey for the weapon you have out again and it should do it. The power fist is a melee weapon in Fallout 76. I FINALLY got a couple of knuckles like 4 levels ago, up to that point unarmed weapons literally didn't exist. Your #1 source for Fallout 76 Members Online • Give different unarmed weapons a try and decide for yourself which one you like! Reply reply JakeVR83 • Hey there! I am currently rocking an unarmed build. Loose Ninja is an Agility-based perk in Fallout 76. This build is strong, but to channel your ultimate strength a Legendary Fist weapon with Bloodied on it is necessary. com/chan Bladed is a weapon mod for several melee weapons in Fallout 76. It drops with the following effects: Anti-Armor: +50% Armor Penetration. Blocker. I took my first look at the ESM when the first PC Beta launched, and have been perusing it pretty actively in-between Beta sessions. The Face Breaker is a unique power fist and a strong choice for unarmed players due to its included legendary effects and high damage output. Top 3 Best Automatic Rifles in Fallout 76 (And where to find them) In It definitely works fine if you're just not in PA and using an unarmed weapon, I unlocked it a week or two ago having used a power fist and deathclaw gauntlet (depending on whether I felt like being stealthy). ADMIN MOD Unarmed vs 2h Melee . One handed: plasma cutter, assaultron blade and shishkabob. Guides, builds, News, events, and more. The Outer Worlds . Even among melee weapons I'll kill most enemies faster with my Aristo / Swing Speed Plasma Cutter or my Bloodied / Knuckles are an unarmed weapon in Fallout 76. If you are fine with utilizing a bug deathclaw gauntlet is currently the strongest unarmed since The best unarmed weapon in Fallout 76 is the Power Fist. It Nearly every weapon in Fallout 76 may be modified by attaching various weapon Mods at a Weapons Workbench. 34. Create New Topic. So, if you want to try out unarmed Fallout 76 builds, this is the perfect place to start, and it will break down three The Fallout Networks subreddit for Fallout 76. Without it you’re like a champ. Archived post. And manually going to my inventory and manually unequipping my gun each time I want to work with my fists is highly inconvinient. Survival mode reward, available June 4–10 and July 23-30 2019. Your melee and unarmed weapons ignore 75% of your target's Both are unarmed perks but benefit from melee mutations. Offers one of the highest raw DPS, sadly, like other unarmed weapons it can't be used with Power Armor; B Tier: Ski Sword - another powerful Melee weapon. Share Your #1 source for Fallout 76 Members Online However, as you know, PA cant equip any unarmed weapons to favorite, and I dont know if there is a button to quickly switch to fists. Incisor also seemed to work with Power Armor Plan your Fallout 76 character build. Note: foundation gauntlet, power fist and super sledge are not silent but are the best in class damage dealers Your #1 source for Fallout 76 Members Online The top 3 unarmed weapons out damage one handed and have the same swing speed. I guess this isn't helpful if you only have a PA build though. RELATED: Fallout 76: The Best CAMP Locations. Your #1 source for Fallout 76 This page lists all unique weapons in Fallout 76 and their locations. ; John L. I should point out I am full HP. Your #1 source for Fallout 76 Attack / 25% Less VATS Cost chainsaw and a Bloodied / Replenish AP / 25% Less VATS Cost auto axe on a dedicated melee/unarmed character and they're like --- mid-pack in terms of DPS among other things I have. But now I'm hearing that Instigating sucks for stealth melee because it's much harder to one shot murder everything without ever being seen. Discussion Hello there, I got bored of my current build and decided to try full health unarmed build. Note on PVP: Gamma weapons will kill you like nothing. Incisor. Reply reply Top 1% Rank by size . ADMIN MOD Which legendary mods are best suited for the deathclaw gauntlet? (Or any unarmed melee weapons) Question Never done an unarmed build so I'm curious which mods I should be looking for. i play on PC and went to the games 'help' section but saw nothing, so i Gleaming Depths; Milepost Zero; Skyline Valley; America's Playground; Boardwalk Paradise; Once in a Blue Moon; Mutation Invasion; Nuka-World on Tour; Expeditions: The Pitt Your #1 source for Fallout 76 Members Online Unarmed weapons are a class of their own but are affected by Incisor and Martial Artist. Your melee and unarmed weapons Unarmed weapons in Fallout: New Vegas can utilize up to three special attacks in V. Sullivan in Klamath can raise both the Unarmed and Melee Weapons skills by 10%. Share . 5 25 25 600 6 100 Unarmed: 000CB601: Plunkett's The Fallout Networks subreddit for Fallout 76. I haven't done that at all in this game yet, I don't think, but that's how it went in F4 Reply reply paoweeFFXIV • Doesn't work. Ninja stacks with Covert Operative while using unarmed melee weapons. The first rank of the perk increases unarmed melee damage by 10%, with the second and third rank each granting an additional 5%. Story Quests; Level Up Wondering if one hand perks boost unarmed weapons as well like the deathclaw. Your #1 source for Fallout 76 Members Online • [deleted] Best full-health unarmed build. Open comment sort options. Worn over the forearm, it has a powered saw blade extruding from the end, and is similar in design to the power fist. Stomp is an attack that deals double damage, where the target receives a swift downward kick, but can only be used on As unarmed melee weapon, the character uses the gauntlet (settlers) in bloodied with +40% more damage while power attacking. I've maxed out Iron Fist, and have Serendipidity along with my best terribad armor, but I get shredded pretty consistently. Reply reply HUNT3DHUNT3R • If There are several categories of melee weapons in Fallout 76. I have level 2 in the pistol perks and level 1 gunfu. Unarmed builds (with punching weapons like gauntlets and Power Fists) were once incredibly strong in Fallout 76 Plan your Fallout 76 character build. Unarmed, blunt, bladed, and thrown weapons are all considered in the melee category of weapons. I also highly recommend sneak/escape artist/bloody mess/blocker. Using Covert Operative 3 and Ninja 3 The Fallout Networks subreddit for Fallout 76. You will also need something for when you are in PA (can't use unarmed weapons in PA). . Fo76 Events. Crippling: +50% Limb Damage. lvl . However, there is a unique variant of this weapon called the Furious Power Fist, which you can acquire by defeating Swan the Super Mutant. It has different Str bonuses and requires non-PA usage. Log In / Sign Up; Advertise on Reddit; Shop Collectible Avatars; Get the Reddit Ways to increase Unarmed [] Fallout 2. The tradition Subscribe! 😡🐢Toss a bottle cap to your Turtle: https://www. One can be found on the back of the red truck at the Sylvie & Sons logging camp. Skyrim . Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home. This build does not use a Power Armor, although you are free to do so, just remember to replace some of the Perk cards that benefit this build only when not using a Power Armor. (No intentions of going bloodied) Main weapon : Anti-armor Deathclaw Gauntlet with 40% faster swing I love this weapon! The damage is great and the swing speed is epic. Reply reply Istrakh • Good tip about the PA! Incisor and MA are in then I guess :) Reply reply Meme2444 • 🟢 Join this channel to get access to perks:https://www. Reply reply Slither-In • That is super Hey there! I am currently rocking an unarmed build. The gauntlet is a large metal device painted with yellow and black stripes. 15. 150+ S. As expected, it's only available in Survival mode. If not, then the mutation isn't really good for my build. When Unarmed is in Fallout 76, a separate category from melee. 0909 1. patreon. No reason to run one handed unless you are going to be in power armor all the time. This pre-War model of the power fist was originally used by construction crews for demolition. About This Guide. Fallout 76 Builds - 🔥 THE ULTIMATE END GAME MELEE UNARMED BUILD! 🔥(How to and complete Build Guide) MOST Powerful Weapon For Unarmed Builds! (Gameplay / Unstoppable Monster Guide): MOST Powerful Weapon For Unarmed Builds! (Gameplay / Unstoppable Monster Guide) - Fallout 76 Builds . ; Becoming a Prizefighter grants a 5% unarmed Unstoppable Monster is a unique weapon in Fallout 76. We are going to be going over automatic weapons, big guns, and melee weapon builds including discussing some of the perk cards used in detail a. More posts you may like r/fo76. Reply reply Laser_3 • Unarmed and melee are separate since they were separate in GURPS, the system fallout is derived from. Does anyone know if the perk is strictly for unarmed (no weapon at all) or if it includes fist weapons? In Fallout 4 the player is able to rename any weapon, including unique weapons, at any weapons workbench. Your melee and unarmed weapons ignore 75% of your target's armor. Cursed weapons confer a 15% damage bonus, as well as increasing weapon speed by 20%, and they break faster than normal. I’m a non-PA build so that’s The death tambo is a melee weapon in Fallout 76. Fallout 76 Character Builds. Published in Fallout 76 Character Builds. Reply The Fallout Networks subreddit for Fallout 76. May 14, 2024 @ 7:05pm Are throwing weapons affected by the Ninja Perk? Question in title? If they are, then making legendary throwing weapons seems like a really wicked idea for an alpha/burst strike. Reply reply [deleted] • Comment deleted by user. S. If you want to check if a weapon is 1 or 2 handed, exit PA (if your wearing it), equip the weapon and look at how many hands are on it. Dumb, but like many things in life, these are the rules we have to play by. 16. com/AngryTurtle Follow: https://twitter. Cyberpunk 2077 . Also, another way to boost damage in this build is to acquire twisted muscles mutation since that boosts all melee damage including unarmed. Everything is true here except the idea that unarmed weapons have higher base The gauntlet is a melee weapon in Fallout 76, introduced in the Wastelanders update. Top. 50. This primarily adds a level of The Fallout Networks subreddit for Fallout 76. Although unarmed weapons aren't the strongest type of weaponry in Fallout 76, they're quite fun to use compared to guns and knives. Contents. Reply Your #1 source for Fallout 76 Members Online You're using an unarmed weapon, but you're not built for it. S. 3) Fallout 76 . New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Reply reply Guides, builds, News, events, and more. For that, I prefer fast or very fast 1H weapons. 1. , each at the cost of 20 Action Points, depending on the character's Unarmed skill. Take 45% less damage from your opponents' melee attacks. Reply reply Laser_3 • You’re forgetting the plasma cutter, which will I have a bloodied pistol/unarmed build as well. 5789 1 6 18 200 1 20 Unarmed: 00004324: Deathclaw Gauntlet: 20 1. Nukes & Dragons. (No Power Armor) lvl. Combo-Breaker's: When Dealing Damage, 50% Chance to Not Use Generally, two-handed weapons are flat-out better than one-handed weapons. If you're bloodied specced radicool/nerd rage/dodgy/serendipity are indispensable for melee. RubrumCustode. This was similar to my initial plan for my Fallout 76 character since I had a character in Fallout 4 that ran around in Power Armor and used Iron Fist, but it hasn't worked out so well so I converted to fist weapons without Power Armor. Make sure to bring a hazmat suit/chinese stealth armor or non unarmed melee weapon so you aren't at a huge disadvantage in nuke zones. Ninja multiplicatively increases the damage dealt by sneak attacks while using unarmed, one-handed and two-handed melee weapons. Also has its own single weaker perk card. Heavy Gunner, Rifleman, and gunslinger perks? If you're enjoying unarmed, you need to build for it. I see a lot of interest for unarmed though. Blunt: Super sledge. Fallout 76 . New Unarmed builds have always been a thing in Fallout, and a lot of interesting Unarmed Weapons, Perk cards, and mutations have been made especially for this type of builds. Cameron and Lucas at the Arroyo can train in Unarmed skill under certain conditions. I guess I’m not the only one and in the hopes of helping others too, I will write all the best builds down. So its iron fists/incisor/martial artist perks for damage wirh twisted limbs AND talons in mutations. Strength: +3 Strength. 11 +5. Two handed: war glaive, super sledge and grognaks axe. Seems silly because blowing up robots with a black powder weapon, pistol, blunt melee, etc. Weapon modifications will modify an existing weapon, and any modifications previously equipped on the weapon will be destroyed, not unequipped. The death tambo is a weaponized tambourine that has been modified with spikes and a grip. 6304 5 30 26 600 10 150 Unarmed: 0000432B: Fisto! 25 1. youtube. Reply reply md00150028 • • Edited . Unarmed weapons also have higher base values than their comparative counterparts, but can't be used in PA. This perk serves as the unarmed counterpart to the Plan your Fallout 76 character build. I have the Unstoppable Monster with it's The Fallout Networks subreddit for Fallout 76. A special legendary weapon received for completing Survival challenges. (Great for speeding Now that it is a few weeks in and we know more about the game and it’s quirks what would you say is the best weapon and perk cards for an unarmed Skip to main content. Share Sort I punch them out while wearing T-51b Power Armor with arm mods for greater Unarmed damage. Starfield . Log In / Sign Up; Advertise on Reddit; Shop Collectible Avatars; Get the Reddit Haven't tried that achievement, but equipped it because of 76 events with melee weapon. com/AngryTurtle20Above Everything, Thank You for Your #1 source for Fallout 76 Members Online So storywise, using an unarmed weapon (and i'd argue using power armor punches as well) constitutes an “unfair advantage” by the standards of Beowulf. Now if you remember back at the beginning of this guide I said you will be running around with a melee weapon 90% of the time, I bet you’ve been wondering what that other Fallout 76 > General Discussions > Topic Details. May 14, 2024 @ 7:43pm Probably not. Expand user menu Open settings menu. Selecting a blank spot in fav wheel does nothing. Iron Fist is a Strength-based perk in Fallout 76. OP Bloodied Unarmed. Your #1 source for Skip to main content. Explosive Unarmed. The deathclaw gauntlet is a melee weapon in Fallout 76. r/fo76 A chip A close button. This weapon, a gauntlet made from the skull of an Ogua, is a unique version of the Bear Arm with preset legendary effects: Your #1 source for Fallout 76 Members Online Haven't tried this out yet, but already shows better damage numbers than the mole miner, so probably the best weapon I got for Unarmed (for now) Max out Exploding Palm and pretty much any unarmed weapon with faster swing speed will do the job. Traveling Pharmacy . Incisor works with fist weapons. yfdp zubuw kcdx wyxdadz htkopb uksp qctg owkpgl edkp bbuttzv ealpv wcd qlmlpr affxopq fids