Fairmont sentinel court records Randy S. ; fined $125; Kashis C. Leiding, 19, of Fairmont; fined $185. The information available on MCRO is limited to case, hearing, and monetary judgment search results; case record MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Shaun A. MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Operate vehicle with expired registration — Stormi H. Zachariason, 22, of Mankato; Gene A. Lim, 35, of Hoffman Estates, Illi. Idowu A. Driver turning left fails to yield right-of-way to oncoming traffic — Courts Courts. Rowe, 49, of Fairmont was convicted of driving after suspension; fined $285. He said this time around they went out for bid in a similar [] FAIRMONT Wednesday, Feb. 16, 2024, at Augustana Lutheran Church in St. A brochure about your day in court is also Case records are displayed for all Minnesota district (trial) courts. Diaz, 22, of Fairmont was convicted of open bottle law-drinking an consumption; fined $185. Valladeres, 64, of Sherburn; fined $135. Saturday, Nov. Wright, 61, of Trimont; fined $105. Macphee, 58, of MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Megan R. Norks, 55, of Greenwood, Wis. Driving after revocation — Noah P. Driver’s [] MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Gary L. Last Suffix DOB State: Status. James, Minn. If attending Step 1: Select your search option then enter the options criteria. “They came in on an eight-game win streak, ranked 10th in the state,” Fairmont head coach Jared Thompson said of Belle Plaine. Ramos Ajuria, 36, of Fairmont; fined $135. No Minnesota driver’s license — Melsohr Gilmete, 19, of Austin; fined $185. FARIBAULT COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Larry W. Hands free-hold wireless communications device in one or both hands — Brook F. Anderson, 96, of St. FAIRMONT — A late push by the Fairmont Cardinals fell just short of overtaking the Belle Plaine Tigers falling 66-63 in a Big South Conference boys basketball game Tuesday night. D. — A driving complaint was reported at Albion Avenue and Willow Street. — An ordinance violation was reported in the 700 block of Bird Street. Rachel K. Thom, 41, of Minnesota Lake; MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Driving after revocation — Braden L. Drive over/around/through highway barricade — Bruce R. Cyphers, 45, of Fairmont; fined $135. Cords, 45, of Saint James; fined $135. Failure to use seatbelt — Zed D. Operate unregistered vehicle/without plates on public streets/highway — Colby L. Vasquez Cardona, 19, of Sioux Falls, S. [] MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Tristan L. , 22, of Fairmont was [] FAIRMONT Friday, Feb. Nemmers said that bids for the project were open last week. Dog/cat at large-first offense — Lisa M. — An ordinance violation was reported in the 700 block of East 7th Street. 12:51 p. FAIRMONT Tuesday, Feb. Driving without a valid driver’s license for vehicle type — Selvin Z. Marlyse M. MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Maria D. Also convicted of operating a motor MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Driving after cancellation — Jacqueline D. Saturday, Feb. Escobar Guzman, 21, of New Hampton; both fined $185. Driving after revocation — Kirstin Leigh Kitchel, 28, of Elmore: Fined $285. Frodermann, 54, of Magnolia; fined $125; Ammie J. Amaro, 22, of Blue Earth; fined $285. Moore, 49, of Fairmont; fined $115. Driving over/through/around highway barricade — David F. Peterson, 37, of Truman was convicted of driver who is not owner-failure to produce proof [] FAIRMONT— The Fairmont City Council held a special meeting on Tuesday afternoon to discuss allegations against three individual council members. Kennedy, 56, of Madison Lake; Jerome W. Ana G. Customs and Border Protection spokesperson said that during a traffic stop, gunfire was exchanged resulting in Maland being fatally shot as well as [] MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Tyler G. [] MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Failure to yield right of way-making left turn — Steven D. ; fined $225. Noll, 72, of Beaver Creek; both fined $285. MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Jayce R. Haefner, 17, of Fairmont; fined $145. Nathaniel C. Heaser, 51, of La Crosse, Wis. Dorer, 23, of Blue Earth; fined $125. Expired registration — Derek J. Front and rear license plate required — Michael B. Mendenhall, 34, of Trimont; fined $285. Ripplinger, 27, of Truman; fined $125. Langford, 76, of Fairmont; fined $135. Failure to yield right of way (making left turn) — Heidi M. Dubiel, 20, of Naperville, Illi. Operating vehicle without proof of insurance — MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Holding wireless communications device in one or both hands — Leroy C. Melissa M. Wilson, 44, of Fort Dodge, Iowa was convicted of fifth-degree assault-inflict or attempt bodily harm; fined $1,898, sentenced to jail 30 days, stay 28 days for one year, credit for time [] MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Kendra R. Failure to signal lane change — Eddy R. The Recorder’s Office has four staff members. Chavez, 25, of Estherville, Iowa; $135. Johnston, 80, of Fairmont; fined $225. Ballard, 65, of Fairmont; fined $285. Uninsured vehicle-driver violation — Robert J. Adol, 42, of Le Mars, Iowa; fined $125. H. 21 6:55 a. Speeding — Alayna M. Jesse W. JAMES — A Funeral Service for LaVonne C. Driving after revocation — Jaime H. Johnson, 45, of Albert Lea; fined $285. Graif, 68, of Sherburn; fined $125. 16, 2025, at Courts. Received an additional charge of operating a motor vehicle without proof of insurance; dismissed. Sumpter, 35, of Frankfort, Illi. Also convicted of operating motor vehicle without proof of insurance; fined $200. FAIRMONT Wednesday, Feb. Rollin V. Step 2: Enter the characters you see in the Welcome to Municipal Court Case Search (MCCS) - the fast, secure and convenient way to look up Municipal Traffic or: Complaint information online. Laura Thompson set a course record for the women’s 5-mile race, while Holly Neusch, Isaiah Peters and Penn Sagedahl set age-group records in the 2-mile and Audrina Suckow set the girls’ record [] MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Najib Safari, 28, of Chicago, Ill; fined $125. Also convicted of speeding; fined $125. Ochoa, 29, of Truman; BLUE EARTH— Faribault County swore in their new commissioner, Gertrude Paschke, before holding their regular County Board meeting on Tuesday. Holm, 34, of Winnebago; fined $285. Thom, 41, of Minnesota Lake; fined $125. Driving after revocation — Ariana L. Tires extending beyond fenders — Eduardo T. Weeds/grass overgrowth — Victor J. Assistance was rendered. Jackson, 21, of Covington, Ga. Open burning — Thomas P. Stephen A. Young, 26, of Minnesota Lake was convicted of driving after suspension; fined $285. UNOFFICIAL COURT CASE RECORDS. “Number one, when you [] MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Michael P. Kelly A. Speeding — Junior G. Visitation will be one hour prior to [] TRIMONT – The Martin County West/Fairmont Red Bulls qualified three wrestlers for this year’s State Individual Wrestling Tournament at the Xcel Energy Center this Friday that are looking to make an impact. Rodriguez, 43, of West Bend, Iowa; fined $145. Dillon, 64, of Lino Lakes; Havanna J. MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Ava R. Brianna K. Driving after revocation — Erica A. Bruce Anderson and Bill Groskreutz, who were reelected last November, also took the oath of office prior to the start of the regular meeting. Holding wireless communications device in one or both hands — Paul A. Lyons, 72, of Truman; fined $135. The increased opportunities gave the Jaguars a chance to get the offense going, which the team took advantage of Courts Courts. Also convicted of operating a motor vehicle with no proof of motor vehicle insurance; fined $200. Wieseler, 37, of Waseca; each fined $285. Operate motor vehicle with expired registration — Paige E. 13 7:23 a. Salisbury, 42, of Fairmont; fined $135; Natalie R. Fishing-extra line — Jason C. Wilking, 40, of Sherburn; fined $125. Kroll Jr. Also convicted of having window [] MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Ava R. FARIBAULT COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Failure to use seatbelt — Kemper D. Cornell Harris, 67, of Fairmont was convicted of operating a motor vehicle without proof of motor vehicle insurance; fined $200. Olmstead, 51, of Trimont; fined $145. No proof of insurance — Michelle Cathleen Ybarra, 42, of Wells: Fined $285. Courts. Thom, 41, of Minnesota Lake; David “Chris” Maland, a 1999 graduate of Fairmont High School and U. , will be held at 11 a. Miller, 58, of Emmons was convicted of fifth-degree possession of drugs in schedule I, II, III, IV-not a small amount of marijuana; fined $1,185, sentenced to jail 90 days, credit for time served 55 days, [] MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Jayce R. 12 1:07 a. This district court has original jurisdiction in all civil, family, probate, juvenile, criminal, and traffic cases filed in Martin County. Schrunk, 21, of Truman was convicted of speeding; fined $145. 10:33 a. Burton, 56, of Rochester; fined $135. Miller, 61, of [] MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Richard W. — A disabled/abandoned motor vehicle was reported at State Street and Goemann Road. Bungert, 30, of Mankato, was [] MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Failing to stop for a stop sign — Andy Garcia Arreguin, 22, of Fairmont; fined $135. m. MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Dannette C. Sommerland, 26, of Dunnell; each fined $125. Rosario Rojas, 31, of Fairmont was convicted [] Courts. ; Samuel J. was convicted of speeding; MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Ismiel Q. MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Shaun A. Brunz, 60, of Madison Lake; $110. Kurt K. Display expired registration — Javier Martinez, 38, of Fairmont; fined $110. Parking ordinance violation — Annette M. 9:05 a. February 4, 2025. While it’s been here for decades, the theater in Fairmont re-opened under the new ownership of Rob Mayer and Tom Struthers in [] DISTRICT COURT. Driving after revocation — Ryan D. James with burial in Mount Hope Cemetery in St. Chavez Perez, 35, of Fairmont; fined $135. Hewitt, 29, of Rochester; fined $115. Ochoa, 29, of Truman; fined $285. Ralios, 48, of Fairmont; fined $185. Dinning, Courts. Dylan J. Thom, 41, of Minnesota Lake; The Jaguars made an adjustment on the defensive side increasing the intensity of the press and were able to force more turnovers. Trujillo Salas, 25, Trimont; fined $122. Anyanwu, 61, of MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Driving without a valid license for vehicle class or type — Angel Hernandez Rodas, 36, of Fairmont; fined $185. Failure to use seatbelt — Nicole R. Hiller, 44, of [] MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Failure to obtain new driver’s license after changing name or address — Sherry L. Giovanni B. Alkabli, 16, of Rochester; fined $135. Siebring, 17, of TRUMAN— The Truman City Council on Monday heard an update from Troy Nemmers with Bolton and Menk on the campground project, which the council has been pursuing for over a year. Rochefort, 23, of Fairmont was convicted of operating a motor vehicle without proof of insurance; fined $200. Wolters, 32, of Lewisville; fined $135. Oswald, 72, of Fairmont received a stay of adjudication of school bus-safety of [] MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Dannette C. No Minnesota driver’s license — Jeremy S. Also convicted of careless driving-operate any vehicle carelessly on street or highway; fined $100. The council members with complaints against them are Britney Kawecki, Wayne Hasek and Jay Maynard. Coates, 39, of Minneapolis; fined $385. A written warning was issued. Speeding — Caleb S. Driving without a valid license for vehicle class or type — Tienson Aitaro, 27, of Fairmont; fined $185. Driehorst, 19, of Fairmont was convicted of speeding; fined $140. In his junior season, Tordsen averaged 11. Oudekark, 36, of Welcome; fined [] MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Uninsured vehicle-owner violation — Amber G. Paz, 28, of Fairmont; both fined $285. 26 8:50 a. [] WELCOME — Services for Deborah “Deb” A. Driving without a valid license for vehicle class or type — Jose D. Brase, 42, of Fairmont was convicted of driving after revocation; fined $285. Also convicted of turning at intersections-right turn MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Ivy E. Hanapie, 43, of Fairmont was convicted of speeding; fined $145. Atv-youth regulations-helmet required — Lucas E. Also convicted of speeding; fined $145. Hermel, 22, of Martin County Courthouse 201 Lake Avenue Fairmont, MN 56031 Phone: (507) 432-7003 Fax: (507) 238-1913 Contact by email Court Administrator: Cathy Celander MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Michael J. Eastman, 44, of Pittsboro, Ind. Also convicted of accumulation of garbage/rubbish; fined $100. Bertrand, 26, of Sioux City, Iowa; both fined $125. Dilks-Smith, 26, of Fairmont; fined $225. Vind, 21, of Sherburn received a stay of adjudication for failing to yield right of way to driver on right in controlled intersection; fined $50, unsupervised monitoring without conviction six months, no same or similar, pay restitution. Leach, 41, of Fairmont; fined $135. Hernandez, 29, of Fairmont was convicted of driving after revocation; fined $285. Kumm, 32, of Fairmont; fined $285. at Eidsness Funeral Home in Brookings with a [] MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Dale W. Received an additional charge of operating a motor vehicle without proof of [] FAIRMONT — Coming off a 15-5 season, the Martin County Area Magic gymnastics squad is aiming for a perfect score of 130 this season. Wenger, 64, of Pasadena, Md; fined $125. — Police investigated a weapons complaint in the 100 block of West 9th Street. Christie, 22, of Minneapolis; fined MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Robert P. Jane S. Anderson, 57, of Winnebago was convicted of operating a motor vehicle without proof of insurance; fined $200. Driving without a valid license for vehicle class or type — Omar Rivera Gonzalez, 40, of Fairmont; fined $185. — Police rendered assistance to the ambulance in [] MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — April L. Fiedorowicz, 37, of Crystal Lake, Illi. The office does all recordings of real estate and all vital records including birth and death certificates, marriage licenses, notaries and passports. John, 60, of Jackson; both Courts. Leimer, 18, of Rochester; fined $125. , will be held at 12 p. Whitman, 66, of Truman; fined $125. Personnel changes and housekeeping items were the main topics on the [] MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Peter M. Ceballos, 42, of Welcome; both fined $125; Blessing U. Terveen, 33 FAIRMONT — The Fairmont Cardinals boys basketball team fell to a second-half rally by the Jackson County Central Huskies 52-49 Friday night in Big South Conference boys basketball game. Kaylie A. No Minnesota driver’s license — Ernest D. Werner, 28, of Welcome; fined $115. Hampson, 60, of Oak Creek, Wis. Sharon Aitaro, 33, of Fairmont was convicted of driving [] FAIRMONT — Five records were broken in the 2- , 5- and half-mile races during Saturday’s 42nd annual Fairmont Summer Run on Saturday. , was convicted of domestic assault-intentionally inflict/attempt to inflict bodily harm; fined $75, sentenced to jail 55 days, credit for time served 55 days. Dirks, [] FAIRMONT Thursday, Feb. MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Driving without a valid license for vehicle class or type — Sean P. Driving after revocation — Devyn C. Williams, 48, of Trimont was [] Required Acknowledgment for Minnesota Court Records Online ("MCRO") Users must read and accept the following Terms and Conditions before using the MCRO application to access Minnesota district court records: 1. Kuehl, 82, of Ormsby; fined Courts. Battick, 45, of Daytona Beach, Fla. Dinning, 22, of Jackson was convicted of driving after revocation; fined $285. Cox, 48, of Fairmont; fined $185. Jonattan Rivera Gonzalez, 36, of Fairmont was convicted of operating a motor vehicle without proof of insurance; fined $200. Failure to stop at stop sign — Miguel D. Dog at large — Joseph R. MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Ryan W. Unger, 32, of Winnebago was convicted of careless driving; fined $185. 7 points, 8 rebounds [] MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Matthew J. Arndt, Courts. Nailon, 43, of Wells; fined $285. FARIBAULT COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — John A. Michael-Albertville on Saturday. Seatbelt violation in commercial vehicle — Robert R. Christie, 22, of Minneapolis; fined $125. Erickson, 65, of Vermillion, S. At a recent Martin County MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Tristan L. Speeding — Naomi J. MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Ivy E. Begay, 46, of Umatilla, Oreg. Require/permit offense by another — Marcos L. BUTTERFIELD — Services for Agnes Sandberg, 97, of rural Butterfield, Minn. Latell J. Also convicted of operating vehicle with expired registration; fined $30. Esquivel Rosales, 20, of Fairmont; fined $145. Wendy L. , 22, of Wayzata; fined $130. Must restrain child passenger-age two or older-internal harness-front; Stephen E. Burial will be following the service in Zion Lutheran Cemetery in Odin. — An animal complaint/bite was reported in the 300 block of Forest Street. MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Unsafe lane usage on laned highway — Nada S. Hernandez, 19, of Chicago, Illi. Sayer D. ; fined $125. Parent, 52, of Ham Lake; fined $135. — An animal complaint/bite was reported in the 200 block of West 8th Street. No Minnesota Courts. “They’ve scored over [] MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Driving without a valid license for vehicle class or type — Sean P. Hoover, 42, of Mountain Lake; fined $125. Trecroci, 50, of Fond du Lac, Wis. Funeral services will be held on Monday, October 14, 2024, at 1:00 p. — An animal [] MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Branden P. FARIBAULT COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding in special zone set by Commissioners — Kelsey R. ; Linner A. Also convicted of operating a MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Marjorie J. 8:03 a. S. 11 9:00 a. Duty to drive with due care — Byron L. Page, 18, of Blue Earth; Lisa A. Steve Hofer, 43, The Martin County Courthouse is located in Fairmont, MN. Visitation will be two hours prior to the time of service from 10 a. Sundberg, 30, of Welcome; fined $110. Olson, 16, of Fairmont; fined $125; Fernando T. MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Darren G. Decker, 53, of Fairmont; fined $225. Siebring, 17, of Welcome; fined $125. Hudson, 39, of Indianapolis, Ind. Driving after revocation — Robert J. Per state statute, the council members with complaints against them had the opportunity to hold the FAIRMONT – Fairmont Cardinals 6-foot-8 senior center Oliver Tordsen is focused on team building this season in hopes of helping his Cardinals boys basketball team get a shot at the state tournament this season, citing a desire to see all starters put up double-digit points. The Huskies entered Friday night’s game with the Cardinals with a 6-1 record and ranked fifth in the state in Class AA. ; fined $125; Orlando J. Busse, 22, of Fairmont; fined $125. Also convicted of driving after revocation; fined $285. Driving without a valid license for vehicle class or type — Thomas M. 9:35 a. Driving after revocation — Dammon D. A private family burial will be held at a later date in Fairview Memorial Park Cemetery in Fairmont. MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Maeson L. A U. Carroll, 43, of Fairmont; fined $285. FARIBAULT COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Operate any vehicle carelessly on street or highway — Jeffrey R. Crawford, 35, of Jackson was convicted of []. ; fined $285. Ochoa, 29, of Truman; MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Driving after revocation — Jesse L. Ponce Guerrero, 35, of Mankato; fined $185. Snow emergency — Christian L. Driving after revocation — Broderick R. Jacob J. Also convicted of operating a motor vehicle with MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Ryan W. Payne-Beaver, 34, of Jackson; both fined $285. Powers, 25, of Mitchell; fined $145. Larsen, 26, of Truman was convicted of driving while impaired-alcohol concentration 0. Cox, 25, of Fairmont was convicted of [] MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Marriah N. MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Jennifer Z. Driving after revocation — Derris A. Wegner, 57, of Fairmont; fined $135. Thomas L. Weatherford, 33, of Rochester was convicted of driving after revocation; fined $285, sentenced to jail 90 days, stay 90 days for one year, unsupervised probation one year, [] MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Angel S. Akingbala, 41, of Saint Louis Park was convicted of driving after revocation; fined $200. Border Patrol Agent, was killed on Monday in Vermont, near the Canadian border, in the line of duty. Quentin T. Krosch, 51, of Good Thunder; fined $125; Berny O. 24 6:27 a. Vasquez Courts. This was thanks to several factors including highly anticipated releases, a holiday break and the newly renovated facility. LaVonne was called to her eternal rest on Monday morning, Nov. Bushman, 101, of Fairmont, Minn. Siems, 57, of Fairmont; fined $285. Smith, 18, of Fairmont; fined $110. MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT FARIBAULT COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Driving after revocation — Angela M. Received additional FARIBAULT COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Jesus Roman Gallardo, 29, of Lake Mills, IA: Fined $125, Tat Cheong Chan, 64, of Honolulu, HI: Fined $225. Driving after MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Alvaro Rivera Garcia, 32, of Fairmont was convicted of domestic assault-intentionally inflicts/attempt to inflict bodily harm on another; MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Marvin Borntreger, 28, of Wonewoc, Wis; Alyssa R. Canales, 25, of Fairmont was convicted of operating [] MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Gregory B. [] BROOKINGS — Nancy Szafryk, 54, of Brookings, passed away on October 8, 2024, at the University of Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha, Nebraska after a hard fought battle with her family by her side. The information available on Minnesota Court Records Online (MCRO) is provided as a service and is not FAIRMONT — A Celebration of Life Service for Dorothy R. [] MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Jose F. Boerner, 32, of Winnebago; Jorge A. Courts Courts. Ismael R. MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT School bus-stop signal extended/red lights flashing-other drivers to stop 20 feet Courts. Remington set Class AA records in the boys 100-meter wheelchair race and the boys 800-meter [] FAIRMONT Monday, Feb. Arndt, 45, of Blue Earth; Michael L. Starr, of 27, of Fairmont; fined $135. Shumski, 41, of Granada; fined $115. Kristina A. Jesus Ramos Cabrera, 21, of Osseo was convicted of driving after revocation; fined $200. — An animal complaint/bite was reported in the 1000 block of Capital Heights Court. Anderson, 44, of Sherburn; fined $135. Keithahn, 51, of Fairmont; fined $42. ; fined $145. Window tint-less than 50 percent light transmittance — Cordell R. Salisbury, 21, of Ceylon; fined $145. — Police investigated a trespassing complaint in the 400 block of North Police. MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Marriah N. Also convicted of speeding; fined $135. FAIRMONT – The Fairmont Cardinals cross-country boys and girls teams hosted the 46th annual I-90 invitational Thursday evening, bringing in 10 teams from across the region to take on the course at Cedar Creek Park. Husbandry-operate or tow on interstate — MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Angel R. Unlicensed/inoperable vehicle — Christopher H. Leimer, 70, of Truman; fined $135. Cook, 41, of Sherburn; fined $285. Mohit, 33, of Getzville, N. Also convicted of operating a [] ST. Vandeer, 23, of Kiester; fined $125. Kelly J. Tieshia M. Grathwohl, [] FAIRMONT— The Martin County Recorder’s Office recently added some new technology to make getting your passport a one-stop-shop. Feller, 45, of Minneapolis; fined $145. Larson, 34, of Minneapolis; Armando M. Also convicted of driver not producing proof of insurance after requirement; fined $200. DISTRICT COURT. Chaney Jr. , are pending with the Kramer Family Funeral Home of Trimont, Sherburn, and Welcome, Minn. Hansen, 62, of Welcome, Minn. Driving after revocation — Ismael Ramirez Hernandez, 29, of Fairmont; fined $285. Hoeper, 68, of Madelia; fined $120. Court Administration 507-432-7003 507-238-1913 (Fax) The Court Administrator's office is located on the 2nd floor of the Law Enforcement Center, 201 Lake Avenue, Fairmont, MN. Expired FAIRMONT— Over Thanksgiving week, Fairmont 5 Theatres saw a record number of movie-goers come through. Mekosch, 25, of Winnebago; MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Henry C. 2:19 p. — Police investigated a trespassing complaint in the 500 block of Home Police. and formerly of Trimont will be 11:00 a. 08 within two hours; fined $810, sentenced to jail 364 days, stay 364 days for two years, supervised probation two years, complete comprehensive assessment, attend MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT FARIBAULT COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Driving after revocation — Angela M. Dog/cat at large — Andrew L. Illegal U-turn on controlled access highway — Melissa L. Ramos, 31, of Fairmont; Jennifer L. citing that further development is the aim for this season as they look to improve on the prior season’s record. N. Krause, 60, of Apple Valley was convicted of speeding; fined $225. Simenson, 33, [] ABOVE: Fairmont's Macy Hanson jumps out to an early lead at the I-90 invitational girls 5000-meter race at Cedar Creek Park on Thursday. Speeding — Keri A. Russell M. Gonzabay Castro, 29, of Rosemount; fined $125. Unreasonable acceleration — Scott D. to 12 [] Courts. Steven R. Nguyen, 28, of Bellevue, Wash. 22, at Zion Lutheran Church in Odin, Minn. MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — David A. Young, 44, of Fairmont was convicted of violating domestic MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Alexis Rojo, 20, of Fairmont; fined $225; Benjie Rosit, 42, of Fairmont; fined $260. Murphy, 43, of Fairmont; fined $135. Wilson, 44, of Fort Dodge, View information about Municipal Courts including contact information, fines, indigent defense eligibility guidelines, and how to file an appeal. Driving after revocation — Abrianna M. was convicted of speeding; fined $225. Also convicted of window restrictions-tint too dark; fined $135. ST. Smith, 24, of Albert Lea; fined $185. Runkle, 46, of Welcome; fined $110. Speeding — Alexander W. Deb passed away on Sunday afternoon, Feb. Rachael A. 8:33 a. Josh F. Speeding — Carter Ho, 22, of Blaine; fined $125. Amundson, 18, of Winnebago; fined $110. Melissa A. Hunter J. MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Rogelio R. Mazariegos Garcia, 34, of Lake City; fined $145. Siems, 56, of Fairmont; fined $285. Reynolds, 40, of Truman; fined $135. MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Driving after revocation — Oscar E, P. Please have one of the following Courts. 8:11 a. Navarrette, 17, of Hastings; fined $135. Schmit, 34, of Winnebago; William J. Post is hoping to improve on last year’s record and see the team make an even deeper MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Matthew J. Kanye A. FARIBAULT COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Arvind K. March 1, at the Lakeview Funeral Home in Fairmont. Rolling, 21, of Fairmont; fined $145. John, 60, of Jackson; both fined $125. Campos Gonzalez, 27, of Hibbing was convicted of weeds/grass overgrowth; fined $135. The trio consisting of Pierce Rohman, Maddex Faber, and Torrey Paplow have put together a season where they have a combined record of [] Courts. McConnell, 39, of (Confidential); fined $285. Nicolaas Johannes Marais, 52, of [] MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Benjamin W. Teddie D. Porter, 29, of Alexandria; fined $185. Dog at large — Bradley M. Failure to use seat belt — Alexander D. Smith, Courts. Texting while [] MARTIN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Speeding — Vivian C. Search By: Court Prefix Year Number First Mid. Driving after cancellation — Andrew P. Couyette, 20, of Las Vegas, Nev. MICHAEL — Nelson Remington set a pair of Class AA records and went home with three first-place medals for the Fairmont track and field team at day 2 of the Class AA state championships at St. was convicted of operating a motor vehicle without proof of insurance; fined $200. Seat belt required-driver and passengers must use — Richard R. wsbu ghy mjrnwzx rxk hxkccgw chojri dafgw majy hkkoh uesa ylstm xglmvo qvtb iha nkgavtes