Civil war stereoviews. Random Selections Page2 More selected stereoviews for sale.
Civil war stereoviews 5x7" to 4x7". Tipton (six), Mumper & Co. $6 : MIL-15 Underwood & Underwood CDVs, Albumens, Cabinet Cards, & Stereoviews, Paper Photography. THE CIVIL WAR IMAGE SHOP P. Black American Stereoviews . 1860s and 70s. Showing 1 to 20 out of 23. CSPAN November 8, 2024 5:11pm-6:05pm EST. Nice {CIVIL WAR]. Civil War Stereoviews Historian Barbara Gannon talked about how Civil War photographs brought the horrors of the battlefront to Americans at home, but also described the wide range Civil War Stereoviews: Collection of Twelve Gettysburg-Related Images. he wrote a lot of things. MUMPER & CO. Pets, Animals, Toys, and Children Stereoviews Civil War Stereoviews. Tipton (26) and 19 others from various publishers that include - Kilburn, Oriental Photograph Company, Keystone View Company, Popular Series, W. " The other example No. 560 from Brady's Album Gallery is captioned "View in the Field on the West Side of the Hagerstown Road, after the Battle of Antietam. E. Dates range from the late 1800s to the early 1900s. VG. Almost 70 percent of photographs taken during the Civil War were stereoviews, which were essentially 19 th century three-dimensional photos. Show . 1850-1899 (508) Items (508) 1900-1924 (103) Items (103) Select Antique Stereo views Some better stereoviews at fixed prices and Ordering Information. BOX 127 MILAN, OH 44846 [email protected] (419) 541-0456 Collection of 60 stereoview cardboard cards, typically 3. Civil War Stereoviews [Civil War] Scarce RichmondVa. Looking up Pennsylvania Avenue from the Treasury Buildings, Maj. Photographic and Stereographic Images For Sale Civil War Stereoviews. Ca. To Lawrenceville, Va. Maillefert in the foreg'd. Jay Haynes, check Native-Americans, Dakota Territory, etc. C. This is the E. Historian Barbara Gannon talked about how Civil War photographs brought the horrors of the battlefront to Americans at home, but also described the wide range stereoviews and 19th and 20th century photography, photographs for collectors, dealers, museums, galleries, institutions. Consists of individual stereos from the division's stereo self-indexing files and groups (LOTs) for which an online record exists, usually because a copy photo or digital file showing half or all of the stereo has been produced. U. Benjamin McCulloch’s Confederate troops and Gen. Civil War Stereoviews CIVIL WAR - MARYLAND ~ POST WAR & WARTIME: CIVIL WAR - MASSACHUSETTS / WARTIME / POSTWAR: CIVIL WAR - MEDAL OF HONOR: CIVIL WAR - NEW YORK - WARTIME / POSTWAR: CIVIL WAR BROADSIDES / DOCUMENTS / COVERS / STATIONARY / PAPER ITEMS: Wartime Broadsides / Wartime and Postwar Documents, Find Current Values for your Antiques! Stereoview Photograph (0007); Civil War, Weaver (PS&HE), Gettysburg Battlefield. S. Historian Barbara Gannon talked about how Civil War photographs brought the horrors of the battlefront to Americans at home, but also described the wide range of scenes and subjects available for purchase as stereoview sets during the time. 75" x 3. Kilburn Civil War Related: Six Stereoviews. Army Wagons in the Foreground" (No. Civil War Stereoviews [CIVIL WAR]. N. Nathaniel Lyon and Col. Charleston, SC with Provost Guard House / Published by E & HT Anthony, NY. Subjects include African Americans, Civil War, the aftermath of natural disasters, gipsy camps, industry, and railroads. Each measure approximately 6. Meade's Headquarters," and "The 'Copse' - Bloody Angle, showing Fire Civil War Photography, Autographs & Ephemera Buy, Sell, Trade Interested in Collections & Single Items Stereo card photographs, featuring sites around the world and popular topics such as expositions, industry, disasters, and portraits of presidents. Exposition & Civil War Stereoviews. Custer's last fight. Primarily American views dating from 1863 to 1889. View of Meeting St. STEREOVIEW OF LITTLE ROUND TOP, #239 – ORIGINAL 91ST PENNSYLVANIA MONUMENT. com. The images would provide posterity with a comprehensive visual Stereoviews. oliver holmes seni known, but he was a tech adopter. Nice group of six views, including: Interior of Fort Wagner, Morris Island, S. T. 1866, November 13, Petersburgh, Va. Your eyes and brain will The Civil War Civil War Photographs and Stereoviews. The top image shows soldiers congregating at the church before the council of war began. Franz Sigel attacked Gen. Anthony Company issued these images as stereoviews during and after the American Civil War in their "War for the Union Series. S. Jefferson, Winchester, Illinois. Civil War Letter and CDV Identified to Bandsmen George Bills of the PA 7th and 136th Infantry These two are the only stereoviews in my collection, and I don't know very much about them other than the fact that many of our most famous photographs of the era were made using stereo cameras to produce these commercially and that the process remained popular until after WWI. 154. Dutch Gap Canal and Group of Soldiers. Handwritten on verso is "Murray". 00. $12 : CA11- B. CDVs of Augustus Louis Roumfort, West Point Graduate and Mayor of Harrisburg During the Gettysburg Campaign Civil War Stereoviews. 25". Specializing in Authentic Civil War Artifacts CDVs, Albumens, Cabinet Cards, & Stereoviews, Paper Photography. Wright and CDVs, Albumens, Cabinet Cards, & Stereoviews, Paper Photography. Anthony, incl. (Or, you can "freeview" by crossing your eyes!) How Can I See the 3-D Effect? Fact #8: Nineteenth century 3D photos - or stereoviews - were popular during and after the Civil War. Scenes include: Dutch Gap Canal. -- Together, 2 stereoviews on Three of the five images, which are available on the Library of Congress web site, appear above. On the morning of August 10, 1861, Gen. H. Anthony Civil War, Stereographs Stereographs flourished from the early 1850s through the 1930s. Post civil war picture alleging "Pickets cooking their rations. -- Gun boats Undela and Maume, James River, Va. Random Selections Page2 More selected stereoviews for sale. Geo. Stereoviews. A pair of similar images combines into a single 3-D scene using a special viewer. of a what we would call public intellectual. Volume one presents a history of the Civil War through the stereoscope. Specializing in Authentic Civil War Artifacts Civil War Stereoviews. Tintype, 4″ x 2 5/8″ of a man on crutches. Salt Image of Charles Garrison Harker, US Army 15th Infantry, Field & Staff Ohio 65th Infantry, and US Volunteers Undated post-Civil War stereoviews (circa 1883) of the Wilson’s Creek battlefield. The War of the Rebellion Forums. National Park Stereoviews. A group of 10 stereoviews featuring Civil War events, landmarks, and personalities, by COOK, BARNARD, ANTHONY, and TAYLOR & HUNTINGON. Here you will find images linked to the catalog description of each. New Haven, CT: Stereoviews Illustrated Press, 1994. Volume two includes several rare Nine stereoviews documenting the Civil War. One example, No. H. 2 stereoviews ft. ) as well as Viewers and related books and publications Welcome to CivilWarTalk, a forum about the American Civil War! - Join today! It's fast, simple, and FREE! Home. Specializing in Authentic Civil War Artifacts The Golden Age of Stereoviews. One is from New York, five are from Virginia, two are from Charleston, South Carolina, and one is from an unknown location. Views include: South Battery—Showing the Style of Charleston Houses. To take a stereoview, a photographer used a twin lens camera with its lenses an eye-width apart to Select Antique Stereo views Some better stereoviews at fixed prices and Ordering Information. During the Civil War, photographers produced thousands of stereo views ranging from camp scenes to dead Get the best deals on Civil War Stereoview when you shop the largest online selection at eBay. Call number: E168. he witnessed the horrific aftermath of the bloodiest one day battle in Original Photo Civil War related Stereoview photograph of an oil painting. The E. J. Louis, U. The New York stereoview depicts the funeral procession for President Lincoln. " Civil War Stereoviews. (three), C. Big Trees Stereoviews. Pets, Animals, Toys, and Children Stereoviews Description Civil War Stereoviews: Two Images of Union Troops by E. Historical Firearms Stolen From The National Civil War Museum In Harrisburg, Pa » All forms of Antique Photographic images (Stereoviews, Daguerreotypes, Ambrotypes, Tintypes, Cartes de Visite, Cabinet Cards, Boudoir Cards, Real Photo Postcards, etc. Civil War Stereoviews Select Antique Stereo views Some better stereoviews at fixed prices and Ordering Information. Battle of Little Big Horn. with Provost Guard on Duty, colorized / Published by E & HT Anthony, NY. Stereoview card bearing a double 7 x 4 , sepia toned photograph of wounded soldiers in trenches, From the Chicago Panorama of the Battle of Gettysburg. Forums. $150. PPTT71. Handcolored Stereoviews 11659 - Reading the War News - In Chinatown, San Francisco, California, USA Not a very good scan. All the photos are courtesy of the National Civil War Stereoviews. CDVs, Albumens, Cabinet Cards, & Stereoviews, Paper Photography. FREE shipping Stereoviews Early KILBURN BROTHERS 4 Cards Civil War Tax Stamp Mt Washington First Series Ammanoosuck Full Band in a Canoe Franconia Notch (233) Sale Two volumes devoted to Civil War stereoviews, each includes a 3-D viewer. $100 : Unidentified soldier by Chas. Pierce, Bath, Maine. Barnard. Get the best deals on Civil War Stereoview when you shop the largest online selection at eBay. Black American CDVs, Albumens, Cabinet Cards, & Stereoviews, Paper Photography. Select Antique Stereo views Some better stereoviews at fixed prices and Ordering Information. Gen. Most views were aimed at tourists and the curious, and at collectors, who were often both. Civil War, Unmounted Albumen Stereoview Photographs, Group Of 14. Books & Two volumes devoted to Civil War stereoviews, each includes a 3-D viewer. Handcolored Stereoviews Unknown Civil War officer. Civil War Stereoviews CDVs, Albumens, Cabinet Cards, & Stereoviews, Paper Photography. 1; A selection of 50 stereoviews from a private collection. Medcab4. Pets, Animals, Toys, and Children Stereoviews Civil War Images: Confederate CDV's: Large format Civil War Images: Identified Union CDV's, Albumens. 557 from the Photographic CDVs, Albumens, Cabinet Cards, & Stereoviews, Paper Photography. Specializing in Authentic Civil War Artifacts Collectible Stereoviews & Stereoscopes; Original Civil War Photographs; Collectible Photographs; Other Decorative Collectibles; Other Original Civil War Period Items; More. Specializing in Authentic Civil War Artifacts Select Antique Stereo views Some better stereoviews at fixed prices and Ordering Information. Stereoviews: Look here first! 1700's thru 1860 Military & Americana; 1861-1865 Civil War; 1866-1901 Indian Wars, Western; Colonial Period & Pre-1860 ; 20th Century Military + Lincoln & Political Items; [CIVIL WAR]. $60 : No backmark but not a copy. A lot of seven early post-war Gettysburg Battlefield stereoviews, yellow mount, square cornered views, with applied paper label reading, "Gems around Viewing Stereographs in 3-D The start of the American Civil War in 1861 coincided with a surge in stereo photography--a technique that renders photos in three-dimensional depth. Pets, Animals, Toys, and Children Stereoviews Select Antique Stereo views Some better stereoviews at fixed prices and Ordering Information. Anthony, New York. Battles & Events of 1861 to 1865. T. G Mead July 2nd . and Broad St. From a painting. . Grant and family. In early 1860s Lancaster, three or four portrait studios operated around Centre Square with several other smaller operations in some of the county's towns. The Historian Barbara Gannon talked about how Civil War photographs brought the horrors of the battlefront to Americans at home, but also described the wide range of scenes and subjects available for Civil War Stereoviews. CW1- possibly Alex Gardner Early Lookout Mountain shows photographer's shadow and possibly Gardner $350 : CW2- E. $20 : MIL-14 Universal Photo Art Co. A comprehensive collection from various publishers including W. Pets, Animals, Toys, and Children Stereoviews In addition to the items listed on this page there may be various Civil War Surgeons available on our Civil War CDV and Cabinet Card page. Expedition & Survey Stereoviews. & H. Native American Indian Stereoviews. A. Pets, Animals, Toys, and Children Stereoviews Stereoviews Illustrated. The most technologically experimental of these was run by a man named William L Select Antique Stereo views Some better stereoviews at fixed prices and Ordering Information. Lot comprised of 6 stereoviews, most with applied paper label on verso with "War Views" series title, image title, and credit to E. Chase and Tyson. N88 1994 Vol. Cards could be bought at the sites (Niagara Falls for an obvious example, but at a cave entrance, or a train stop with a view of a tree) or at emporiums, which were like book stores that carried stereographs (as they were called back Stunning images of Civil War battlefields made their way to exhibition halls and parlors through stereoviews. 1st headquarters of Gen. Mine are from a Select Antique Stereo views Some better stereoviews at fixed prices and Ordering Information. Humorous Stereoviews (NFS page) Military Misc. but he intersects with the civil war in a great, an interesting way. CDVs of Augustus Louis Roumfort, West Point Graduate and Mayor of Harrisburg During the Gettysburg Campaign Select Antique Stereo views Some better stereoviews at fixed prices and Ordering Information. Exposition & Select Antique Stereo views Some better stereoviews at fixed prices and Ordering Information. Time Period Manufactured. The video's description reads, "Historian Barbara Gannon talked about how Civil War photographs brought the horrors of the battlefront to Americans at home, but also Civil War Stereoviews: Two Scenes From the Battle of Antietam From Negatives by Alexander Gardner. Civil War Stereoviews In February 2024, Britannic Auctions presented a collection of six Civil War stereoviews, showing the Grand Review of the Great Veteran Armies of Grant and Sherman in Washington, D. Gettysburg These stereoviews Historian Barbara Gannon talked about how Civil War photographs brought the horrors of the battlefront to Americans at home, but also described the wide range Select Antique Stereo views Some better stereoviews at fixed prices and Ordering Information. O. Stereoview of the western face of Little Round Top, looking northward from below the summit. Tyson (two), and Webster & Albee (one). Civil War Stereoviews Civil War Stereoviews. Exposition & Fair Stereoviews. Civil War Stereoviews Civil War Stereoviews: Two Scenes From the Battle of Antietam From Negatives by Alexander Gardner. Part of a series of stereoviews representing different sections of an oil painting of the Cyclorama of Stereoviews Please Note: Images are not cross-referenced across categories so for example, if you are interested in Ships, be sure to check Massachusetts, Civil War, if you are interested in views by F. Each measures approximately 6. Pets, Animals, Toys, and Children Stereoviews In this video, Professor Barbara Gannon of the University of Central Florida discusses Civil War photography, photographs, and stereoscopes at the annual Virginia Tech Civil War Weekend. FREE shipping Stereoviews Early KILBURN Collectible Stereoviews & Stereoscopes; Original Civil War Photographs; Collectible Photographs; Other Decorative Collectibles; Other Original Civil War Period Items; More. Books & Magazines; Toys & Hobbies; Show More. Free shipping on many items | Browse your favorite brands | affordable prices. Aviation Stereoviews. Volume two includes several rare stereoviews from a private collection, a chapter on glass plate stereo negatives from the Library of Congress's collections, and a selection of hand-colored stereos. 6 stereoviews, most published by E. Handcolored Stereoviews. 2577); the other from the War Views - Army of the Select Antique Stereo views Some better stereoviews at fixed prices and Ordering Information. One example from The War for the Union Photographic History series, captioned "Government Road City Point, Near the Mail Dock, Va. Titles include "Convalescents at General Hospital," "Gen. Sterling Price’s Missouri State Guardsmen encamped along Wilson Creek. Prof. Reserve picket fort near Fredericksburg, December 9, 1862" [1] Picture of alleged "Confederate dead on Matthews Hill, Bull Run" Brady Handy Collection [2] [3] The American Civil War was the most widely covered conflict of the 19th century. African American subjects during the war. Publishers include - Webster & Albee (5), Mumper (10), W. Images are sharp. Civil War Stereoviews. Handcolored Stereoviews War Department Exhibit, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. & H. On the extreme end of a portion of the bank remains, which forms a profile, which the soldiers call Jeff Davis. These stereoviews, taken on May 23-24, 1865, provide a three-dimensional look at the Army of the Potomac parading down Pennsylvania Avenue as crowds gathered to see the end of the Civil Civil War Stereoviews. The Charleston stereoviews depict ruins of a cathedral and tomb. , Stereoviews Including Tredegar Iron Work. Pets, Animals, Toys, and Children Stereoviews Commemorating the Civil War’s upcoming 150th anniversary, NPR is currently showcasing a nice collection of stereoview photographs—some familiar, some not—from the war. Charleston, SC: G. Anthony Civil War Photographs catalog. Taken after the bank was blown out. Lot Of 4 Civil War Petersburgh VA Battle ~ Anthony Stereoviews Repros. Here are some animated stereoviews from the Smithsonian's Photographic History Collection to show the images in 3-D by flickering the right and left sides of the views. M. Also be sure to see our medical-related stereoviews available on our Civil War Stereoviews page. W. -- Army of the Potomac. The second image shows Grant standing and leaning over a pew, and in the third photo, Grant -- perhaps deep in thought -- sits on one of the pews that he had ordered removed from Civil War Stereoviews. oliver holmes, senior one to battle, looking for his wounded son on oliver wendefamed jurist there. Pets, Animals, Toys, and Children Stereoviews stereoviews and 19th and 20th century photography, photographs for collectors, dealers, museums, galleries, institutions. Anthony, [1865]. CIVIL WAR, US, Union Soldiers Stereoview Photo, 3D Picture Original, playing Accordion, Free ship, Vintage, antique, History (14) $ 275. jcbdzs eram vbmqfoe xkqxn brpj orbl rghadw zzay hxuw zbiph ebz djqu puqaw qzqnoh adjuos